Fredonia Presbyterian Church, (PCUSA)
Making All Things New
First Hike, 10am
January 25
What better way to start the year than a hike with this community. Meet at the church lot. We'll hike at SUNY then head back to the church to warm up.
Installation of Officers
After the congregation votes on new Elders and Deacons we will install and ordain our newest officers! It'll be a fun Sunday in Glory to God!
Mission/Art Discovery
February - March
Celebrating Black History & Women's History
On display in our fellowship hall, Art Discovery proudly presents art about outstanding Black Women and their achievements in Arts, Science, Humanities, Business, Government. And, the social, cultural, political and personal
significance of women’s Handwork. Come & Enjoy!
Theology on Tap Starts up in February. Every Tuesday, 5ishpm
Meet at the Next Chapter Book Store downtown. Plenty of parking. We start gathering around 5, get caught up with each other and dig into the sermon scripture. We do a deep dive into You do not need to have any previous knowledge/research. This is week to week, so no pressure for attending a "class".