Fredonia Presbyterian Church, (PCUSA)
Making All Things New
Click the button for a list of Participating Businesses & Organizations!

Accept The Feeding Fredonia Challenge
You helped feed hundreds of families this last year.
We are so grateful to the businesses, schools, houses of worship, individuals, and non-profits who donated goods and money.
In partnership with Rural Ministry, this community makes sure no one is hungry.
In 2022, Fredonia Food Pantry saw an uptick in need. We collected about 2 tons of food during last year's Challenge, and we were in need of more food in a just a few months. Throughout the year, the community rallied and somehow, we always had food to share with our neighbors.
Let's keep it going and collect even more this year!
Feeding Fredonia Challenge
October 6 - October 18
Stop by a participating business
or organization to donate your items!
What we need:
Beans, canned fruits, canned meats, pasta
canned vegetables, cereal, coffee, rice,
dry milk, peanut butter, soup,
spaghetti sauce, jelly
or any non-perishable goods
For Individuals/Families/Neighborhoods to participate, you can let us know that you'd like a flyer or a social media link as well. We would love to highlight your efforts too! But if you aren't looking to advertise, you're welcome to drop off food 24/7 at our open vestibule. Leave your name and contact info when you drop off food or leave it anonymously. Know that we are so thankful.

Not a grocery store shopper?
Keep forgetting to put it on your list?
Your financial donation goes a LONG way.
Mark it off your list today and click above! Use the drop-down menu to select "Food Pantry" to submit your tax deductible donation today!
Feeding Fredonia Challenge
October 6 - October 18
For Business & Organizations to participate, please contact us here.
We will drop off a personalized flyer and a box or bag Oct 1st-4th so that you can begin collecting food the next Monday.
During the challenge, if your bag/box is overflowing, you can drop it off at the church 24/7 in our vestibule.
Tell people on your social media, let them know how kind your business is! Consider giving a discount if customers bring so many cans, etc.! Show your pride for helping to feed Fredonia.
For Individuals/Families/Neighborhoods to participate, you can let us know that you'd like a flyer or a social media link as well. We would love to highlight your efforts too! But if you aren't looking to advertise, you're welcome to drop off food 24/7 at our open vestibule. Leave your name and contact info when you drop off food or leave it anonymously. Know that we are so thankful.